Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lifelong Learner

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

We here the term "Lifelong Learner" bandied about by educators and schools frequently. "Create Lifelong Learners" (or something similar) has become a mantra of sorts. However,we must ask ourselves if we are modeling that same ideas? Do we continue our own education through either formal or informal means. Are we learning and using what we learn to improve our efforts to educate our students?  We want students to be readers, yet we seldom read.  We know that education is the key to the future. As an educator, I will set that example for my students and staff.  It seems as though I have been in some type of education or training program for most of my life and am continuing my learning through the online Ed Tech program with Boise State.

This blog will document my learning as I progress through that program, as well as my on learning through other educators and daily experiences.  I look forward to sharing with you.

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