Thursday, November 1, 2012


One of my recent reading assignments, "Games...and...Learning" from Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology described or defined "play" in an interesting way. The authors of this chapter discuss the role of games and play in learning. The authors try to differentiate between being "at play" and simply going through the motions. Being "at play" involves entering "the conceptual cognitive or cultural space" as described below.

"It was definitely something you wanted to do and you would say that you did it voluntarily. You found the activity intrinsically motivating and so you were not concerned about "getting something" out of it. You were also doing something actively and probably physically.  Finally, you were likely in a state where you were not conscious of yourself or of your place in the world, but rather felt wholly absorbed in the activity.  This state also carried a feeling of being very free from risks. You felt free to try new things or to experiment with different ways of doing or thinking--after all, it was only play. Your awareness of time likely disappeared and you were probably surprised by how much time had passed when the activity had ended."
There are some that have called me a workaholic. Now I know otherwise. My job is often my play! That is why I can spend hours outside of the work day exploring new technologies that might be useful to students and teachers. Or read a book about differentiation. And yes, continue to take classes. These are the things that I can become absorbed in. That isn't to say that I can't lose myself in a good romance novel.

It is encouraging when I see this same attitude reflected in many of the educators with which I work. Do you "play" each day or do you simply do a job? I am fortunate to be able to enter the cognitive world of "play" each and every day.

Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, J. V. (2002).Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

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